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[여인의 향기] 내가 너 뺨 때린 거 때문에 앙심 품고 이러는 거야?

mike kim 2011. 8. 20. 09:36

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요

여인의 향기

Yeon-jae opens the letter from the court

and finds that Sae-kyung is suing her for a cool 300 million won.

She tamps down her shock to keep Mom from freaking out.


이연재: 뭐야? What?

왜 그래 엄마? Mom, what is wrong?


연재엄마: 너 무슨 일을 어떻게 하고 다니는 거야?

What did you do?


이연재: 뭐가? What?


연재엄마: 너한테 3억을 물어내래.

They are asking compensation of 300 million won.


이연재: 3? 300 million Won?

 말도 안 돼. That doesn’t make sense.


연재엄마: 아니 3억을 갚으라니 무슨 소리야? 우리가 그 큰 돈이 어딨어?

How is that? Compensation of 300 million won?

Where can we find such amount of money?


이연재: 엄마 이거 걱정할 필요 없는 것 같애.

Mom, you do not need to worry about this matter.

뭐 착오가 있는 거 같애 이거.

I think there must be some kind of mistake.


연재엄마: 무슨 착오? 법원에서 그런 실수를 할 리가 있어?

What mistake? How can the Court make such mistake?


이연재: 할 수도 있지. 법원에도 하는 일도 다 사람이 하는 건데.

It is possible for them to make such a mistake.

Court duty is all done by people, too.

나 그리고 잘못한 거 없어.

Also, I have not done anything wrong.


Sae-kyung is busy with the new merger presentation.

Sae-kyung make their presentation in front of all the employees

and board members, as Yeon-jae shows up in the back of the room.


임세경: 어쩐 일이야? 여긴 너 같은 애가 올 자린 아닌 거 같은데.

What are you doing here?

It seems a person like you shouldn’t be in a place like this.


이연재: 그럼 이 자리가 아닌 다른 자리로 옮길까요?

If it’s not here, can we go to some other place?



이연재: 소송 취하해 주세요.

The law suit, please withdraw it.

*소송을 취하하다 drop[withdraw] a legal case[suit]


임세경: 못하겠다면? What if I refuse to do so?


이연재: 대체 나한테 왜 이러는 거에요?

Why are you doing this to me?


임세경: 난 정당한 요구를 하고 있는 거야.

I just made a legitimate request.

너 때문에 날린 아트센터 대관료,

The loss that you caused for the rental fee of the Art Center,

윌슨 체류비 항공료,

Wilson’s staying expenses and standard airline tickets,

외 기타등등and so on…


이연재: 그건 내가 진짜 반지를 훔쳤을 때나 해당되는 얘기죠.

That’s what should be said if I really stole the ring.


임세경: 어쨌든 뒷수습을 그 따위로 하면 안되지.

You can’t settle the affair that way.


이연재: 뒷수습? Settle the affair?

혹시 너 내가 너 뺨 때린 거 때문에 앙심 품고 이러는 거야?

Are you doing this because you’re holding a grudge after I slapped you?

*앙심을 품다[먹다]bear[nurse] a grudge against a person;
 / have a grudge[spite] against a person
 / They did it out of spite .
그들은 앙심이 있어서 그렇게 했다.


그럼 나는? 나도 너한테 뺨 맞았잖아.

What about me? I’ve been slapped by you too.


임세경: 처음엔 내가 누군지 모르고 까불었다고 쳐.

At first you did not even know who I was and came at me. But that’s ok.

*come at sb: to move towards sb as if you are going to attack them

일 그 지경으로 만들어 놓고, After that incident,

남자 하나 꼬셔보려고 여행까지 따라간 거,

In order to seduce a man, you had to travel and follow along,

그래 그럴 수 있어.

That is also possible.

하지만 지금은 주제파악 분위기파악 해야 하는 거 아냐?

But right now, knowing your place and what’s going on around you,

aren’t you supposed to do that?

*know one’s place자기 분수를 알다


이연재: ? What?


임세경: 소송 취하해줄 생각도 있어.

Well, the lawsuit can be withdrawn.

당장 내 앞에서 사과하고 무릎이라도 꿇으면.

If you immediately kneel down in front of me and apologize.


이연재: 어떡하니? What to do?

 내 무릎은 너 같은 거한테 꿇으라고 붙어있는 게 아닌데.

 My knees refuse to kneel down in front of things like you.

 그래 어디 끝까지 한 번 가보자.

 Good! Then we will fight to the end.

                          영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭

Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

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