영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭 ◀ 해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요▶
Matt: Here's some more berries, guys.
여기 베리 좀 더 있어요.
Paige: Ben, can you pour me more syrup, please?
벤, 시럽 좀 더 주실래요?
Ben: Sure can. There you go. 그러렴. 여기 있다.
Paige: Perfect. Good job. 좋아요. 잘했어요.
Ben: Oh, thanks. 오, 고맙구나.
Jules: Oh, boy. Okay, so this really big CEO named Townsend, the one everyone said
would never be interested in us because we weren't big enough for him?
참. 타운젠드란 거물 CEO 말인데, 다들 우리가 규모가 작은 회사라 이 사람이
관심이 없을 거라 더군요.
Matt&Ben: Yeah? 네?
Matt: We're like your sister wives. 마치 벤이랑 내가 같이 당신 안 사람 된 것 같네.
*sister-wife: A woman who is simultaneously sister and wife to her husband: A co-wife in general.
Jules: Well, we just found out he's beyond interested.
근데 관심 정도가 아니라는 거야.
Matt: Exciting. 흥분되는데요.
Jules: Yeah. Maybe. Everyone's flipping out about it, but you know I'm still on the
fence at best. Anyway, the only thing is, I have to go to San Francisco to meet him.
He can't come here.
네. 아마도요. 다들 난리에요. 근데 그래 봐야 난 아직 마음을 못 정했으니까.
어쨌든, 내가 그 분 만나러 샌프란시스코까지 가야 해요. 못 오신다네.
*My brother flipped out after he found out he lost his wallet.
내 동생은 지갑을 잃어버린 걸 알고 완전 열 받았어요.
/I was flipping out. I thought he was kidnapped.
당황했었어. 난 그 녀석이 유괴됐다고 생각했어.
*on the fence (about something); undecided about something. (*Typically: be ~; sit ~.) /Ann is on the fence about going to Mexico.
Matt: When do you have to go? 언제 가는데?
Jules: The only day he can meet is next Thursday. Do you wanna come? Maybe we can
stay the weekend?
다음 주 목요일에만 시간이 돼나 봐. 자기 같이 갈래? 주말 거기서 보내든지?
Matt: Oh, that sounds awesome. Um... Oh. Thursday I can't. Paige is snack leader at
school and I'm supposed to be in the class with her. It's kind of a big deal.
멋진 생각인데. 음… 목요일은 내가 안돼. 페이지가 그날 학교 간식담당 이거든.
나도 같이 있어야 해. 중요한 일이라서.
Jules: Right. 그래.
Paige: Yeah, it's a really big deal. 맞아요, 진짜 중요한 일이에요.
Jules: No, I know, sweetie. I'm sorry. I forgot.
아냐, 알아. 미안해. 내가 깜빡 했어.
Matt: Uh, maybe Ben could go with you.
어, 벤이 같이 갈 수도 있잖아.
Paige: Yeah, that's a good idea. 네, 좋은 생각이에요.
Jules: Guys, Ben has a life. 벤도 생활이 있어요.
Ben: Uh, not really. Not one that takes me to San Francisco. If you want the company,
I'd love to go.
어, 뭐 꼭 그렇지도. 누가 절 샌프란시스코에 데려가겠습니까?
같이 갈 동무가 필요하면 저도 가고 싶은데요.
Jules: Really? 정말이세요?
Ben: Definitely. 그럼요.
Paige: Guess what, Ben? 있잖아요, 벤?
Ben: Yes? 응?
Paige: Today, my dad's gonna be Ariel. It's his turn.
오늘, 아빠가 아리엘이 될 거에요. 아빠 차례거든요.
Ben: Oh, that's good, right? 오, 잘 됐구나, 그지?
Paige: Really good. 정말 좋아요.
Matt: You guys think finding a CEO is a big deal? Here, the big negotiation is who gets
to be Ariel when we're playing Little Mermaid. And for the record, it's never been
my turn. Mmm-mmm. So this is huge for me. I'm excited. I get to comb my hair
with a fork, play with gadgets and gizmos aplenty.
두 사람은 CEO 찾는 게 중요한 일이지? 여기서는 인어공주 연극하는데 아리엘
역을 누가 하느냐가 중요한 일이야. 분명히 말하지만, 내 차례는 없었거든. 음,
그래서 나한텐 대단한 일이지. 흥분 돼. 포크로 머리도 빗고, 온갖 기기나
장치들로 장난치고.
*Just for the record, I'm not going to lend you any more money.
분명히 말하겠지만 더 이상 너에게 돈 빌려주지 않겠어.
Paige: Daddy! 아빠!
Jules: This is Jules.
Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],
No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.
For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net
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