영화해설 샘플강의

[인턴] 난 아직 마음을 못 정했으니까.

mike kim 2016. 6. 23. 12:04

영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭    해설본 문의는 여기를 클릭하세요




Matt:  Here's some more berries, guys.

       여기 베리 좀 더 있어요.

Paige:  Ben, can you pour me more syrup, please?

        , 시럽 좀 더 주실래요?

Ben:  Sure can. There you go.
그러렴. 여기 있다.

Paige:  Perfect. Good job.
좋아요. 잘했어요.

Ben:  Oh, thanks. 
, 고맙구나.

Jules:  Oh, boy. Okay, so this really big CEO named Townsend, the one everyone said

would never be interested in us because we weren't big enough for him?

. 타운젠드란 거물 CEO 말인데, 다들 우리가 규모가 작은 회사라 이 사람이

관심이 없을 거라 더군요.

Matt&Ben:   Yeah? 

Matt:  We're like your sister wives. 마치 벤이랑 내가 같이 당신 안 사람 된 것 같네.

*sister-wife: A woman who is simultaneously sister and wife to her husband: A co-wife in general.

Jules:  Well, we just found out he's beyond interested.

        근데 관심 정도가 아니라는 거야.

Matt:  Exciting.

Jules:  Yeah. Maybe. Everyone's flipping out about it, but you know I'm still on the

fence at best. Anyway, the only thing is, I have to go to San Francisco to meet him.

He can't come here.

. 아마도요. 다들 난리에요. 근데 그래 봐야 난 아직 마음을 못 정했으니까.

어쨌든, 내가 그 분 만나러 샌프란시스코까지 가야 해요. 못 오신다네.

*My brother flipped out after he found out he lost his wallet.

내 동생은 지갑을 잃어버린 걸 알고 완전 열 받았어요.

/I was flipping out. I thought he was kidnapped.

당황했었어. 난 그 녀석이 유괴됐다고 생각했어.

*on the fence (about something); undecided about something. (*Typically: be ~; sit ~.) /Ann is on the fence about going to Mexico.

Matt:  When do you have to go?
언제 가는데?

Jules:  The only day he can meet is next Thursday. Do you wanna come? Maybe we can

stay the weekend?

다음 주 목요일에만 시간이 돼나 봐. 자기 같이 갈래? 주말 거기서 보내든지?

Matt:  Oh, that sounds awesome. Um... Oh. Thursday I can't. Paige is snack leader at

school and I'm supposed to be in the class with her. It's kind of a big deal.

멋진 생각인데. 목요일은 내가 안돼. 페이지가 그날 학교 간식담당 이거든.

나도 같이 있어야 해. 중요한 일이라서.

Jules:  Right. 

Paige:  Yeah, it's a really big deal.
맞아요, 진짜 중요한 일이에요.

Jules:  No, I know, sweetie. I'm sorry. I forgot.

        아냐, 알아. 미안해. 내가 깜빡 했어.

Matt:  Uh, maybe Ben could go with you.

         , 벤이 같이 갈 수도 있잖아.

Paige:  Yeah, that's a good idea.
, 좋은 생각이에요.

Jules:  Guys, Ben has a life. 
벤도 생활이 있어요.

Ben:  Uh, not really. Not one that takes me to San Francisco. If you want the company,
      I'd love to go.

       , 뭐 꼭 그렇지도. 누가 절 샌프란시스코에 데려가겠습니까?

       같이 갈 동무가 필요하면 저도 가고 싶은데요.

Jules:  Really?

Ben:  Definitely.

Paige:  Guess what, Ben?
있잖아요, ?

Ben:  Yes?

Paige:  Today, my dad's gonna be Ariel. It's his turn.

         오늘, 아빠가 아리엘이 될 거에요. 아빠 차례거든요.

Ben:  Oh, that's good, right?
, 잘 됐구나, 그지?

Paige:   Really good.
정말 좋아요.

Matt:  You guys think finding a CEO is a big deal? Here, the big negotiation is who gets

to be Ariel when we're playing Little Mermaid. And for the record, it's never been

my turn. Mmm-mmm. So this is huge for me. I'm excited. I get to comb my hair

with a fork, play with gadgets and gizmos aplenty.

두 사람은 CEO 찾는 게 중요한 일이지? 여기서는 인어공주 연극하는데 아리엘

역을 누가 하느냐가 중요한 일이야. 분명히 말하지만, 내 차례는 없었거든. ,

그래서 나한텐 대단한 일이지. 흥분 돼. 포크로 머리도 빗고, 온갖 기기나

장치들로 장난치고.

*Just for the record, I'm not going to lend you any more money.

분명히 말하겠지만 더 이상 너에게 돈 빌려주지 않겠어.

Paige:  Daddy!

Jules:  This is Jules. 줄스 입니다.





Text copyright by mike[Kim young dae],

No part of this material maybe used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations.

For more information; mike5007@hanmail.net

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