At Chang-min’s apartment, Jin-hee finds her wedding ring in a jar.She chides him for not eating more of his porridge and then holds out the ring and asks. ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 오진희: 이게… 왜 너한테 있어? Why… do you have this? 이거 진애가…Jin Ae took this… 오창민: 내가 찾아 왔어. I got it back. 넌 왜 아직까지 이걸 갖고 있었어? Why did you still have it? 오진희: 우리 인연 아직 안 끝났나 봐. Our fate must not be over yet. *인연이..