Yeon-jae tells her mother about her cancer, and Mom’s initial reaction is denial. ☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 이연재: 나 엄마한테 고백할 거 있는데. I have something to confess to you. 김순정: 뭔데? What is it? 이연재: 나…암이래. I … have cancer. 미안해 엄마. I’m sorry, mom. 김순정: 무슨 말이야? What are you saying? 네가 뭐라고? You, what? 말도 안돼, 네 나이가 몇인데? Impossible, how old are you now? 뭘 잘못 안 거겠지. It must be a mistake. 일어나, 일어나라고, 얼른..