A banquet hall; Prime Minister KWON YUL and his wife NAM DA-JUNG greet the roomful of dignitaries with a smile.☞영화, 미드, 영자신문 온라인스터디 모집; 클릭하세요 남다정: 온 국민이 사랑하는 청렴하고 강직한 국무총리, Beloved by many Koreans, known as a man of integrity and honesty, 나의 남편, 권율. My husband Kwon Yul. 하지만 나에게만큼은 너무나 잔인하고But to me, he is the cruelest, 참으로 포악하며, truly tyrannical, 끔찍할 만큼 냉혹했던 이 남자…and this man was so cold-blood..